Thursday, January 6, 2011

11 things in 2011

I can't believe it's 2011. Seriously, it sounds so cliche, but I have no idea where the f the past year has gone. I had high hopes for 2010 and it delivered on some levels - we bought our first home, gained another nephew, and our dog, and both stayed healthy. 2011 is going to really have to bring it. And I really need to bring it as well. So rather than just keeping all of this madness in my head, I'm putting pen to paper and publishing it for the whole cyberworld to see.

2011 - here's what I'm thinking:

1 - Get healthy. I mean, really get healthy. No more of this quittingforamonthonlytofalloffthewagonaweeklater crap. I really want to make a conscious effort to stop eating trans fats, corn syrup/hfcs and to get more whole grains and less processed sugars in my diet.

2 - Along those lines, cut way back on my alcohol intake. I drink waaay more than I should. Seriously.

3 - Take more vacations. 2010 wasn't a big year for vacations simply because we spent a lot of the year financially recovering from the purchase of our home. Now that things are a little more settled, I would like to plan a few big trips. I'm constantly daydreaming about going to Vietnam, Bali, India and Ireland. It's time to get busy and start making those dreams a reality.

4 - Volunteer at least 12 hours a month. That's only three hours a week. I can do that.

5 - Cook dinner at least 4 nights a week. And learn to cook some new things. And not be such a shitty cook. That should be a fun one. Heh.

6 - Be more positive. I resolve to do this every year and I feel like I fail but this year I really am going to make more of an effort to be less weh and meh and more YAY! :)

7 - Spend less time online and more time reading books. Easy enough, right?

8 - Finish decorating two more rooms. We lived in our condo for 2.5 years and I never finished decorating. I know I'm not going to get the whole house done, but I would like to get the living room and dining room decorated. And maybe I'll even tackle our room and the office! ;)

9 - Take a photography class and take more photos. This is something that I have been putting off since I got my SLR but this year I really do want to get better at photography (hello, manual settings!) and start documenting our life in photos.

10 - Save more. Invest more.

11 - This is the big one: Get pregnant. We have been "trying" for 17 months. We obviously have issues and I feel ok that we took some time to start sorting out what exactly is wrong but in 2011 I hope that we actually put together a plan of action and begin to execute what it will take to get pregnant - and with any luck, have a 2012 baby. :)